GMW = Gemiddelde markwaarde
2H = Twee-Handig
Wapen | GMW | Schade | Gewicht | Bereik | Munitie | Klasse | Finesse | 2H | Luid | |
Club | 2 | 1d4 B | L | - | - | Licht | ||||
Dagger | 40 | 1d4 P | L | 20 / 60 (T) | - | Licht | Ja | |||
Greatclub | 4 | 1d8 B | 2 | - | Ja | |||||
Handaxe | 100 | 1d6 S | L | 20 / 60 (T) | Licht | |||||
Javelin | 10 | 1d6 P | L | 30 / 120 (T) | ||||||
Light hammer | 40 | 1d4 B | L | 20 / 60 (T) | Licht | |||||
Mace | 100 | 1d6 B | 1 | - | ||||||
Quarterstaff | 4 | 1d6 B (1d8) | 1 | - | ||||||
Sickle | 20 | 1d4 S | L | - | Licht | |||||
Spear | 20 | 1d6 P (1d8) | 1 | 20 / 60 (T) | ||||||
Battleaxe | 200 | 1d8 S (1d10) | 1 | - | ||||||
Flail | 200 | 1d8 B | 1 | - | ||||||
Glaive | 400 | 1d10 S | 2 | Reach | Zwaar | Ja | ||||
Greataxe | 600 | 1d12 S | 2 | - | Zwaar | Ja | ||||
Greatsword | 1000 | 2d6 S | 2 | - | Zwaar | Ja | ||||
Halberd | 400 | 1d10 S | 2 | Reach | Zwaar | Ja | ||||
Lance | 200 | 1d12 P | 2 | Reach | special | |||||
Longsword | 300 | 1d8 S (1d10) | 1 | - | ||||||
Maul | 200 | 2d6 B | 2 | - | Zwaar | Ja | ||||
Morningstar | 300 | 1d8 P | 1 | - | ||||||
Pike | 100 | 1d10 P | 2 | Reach | Zwaar | Ja | ||||
Rapier | 500 | 1d8 P | 1 | - | Ja | |||||
Scimitar | 500 | 1d6 S | L | - | Licht | Ja | ||||
Shortsword | 200 | 1d6 P | L | - | Licht | Ja | ||||
Trident | 100 | 1d6 P (1d8) | 1 | 20 / 60 (T) | ||||||
Dart | 1 | 1d4 P | L | 20 / 60 (T) | Ja | |||||
War pick | 100 | 1d8 P | 1 | - | ||||||
Warhammer | 300 | 1d8 B (1d10) | 1 | - | ||||||
Whip | 40 | 1d4 S | 1 | Reach | Ja | |||||
Blowgun | 90 | 1 P | L | 25 / 100 | Laden | |||||
Sling | 2 | 1d4 B | L | 30 / 120 | Ja | |||||
Shortbow | 500 | 1d6 P | 1 | 80 / 320 | Ja | Ja | ||||
Longbow | 1000 | 1d8 P | 2 | 150 / 600 | Ja | Zwaar | Ja | |||
Crossbow, hand | 1500 | 1d6 P | L | 30 / 120 | Laden | Licht | ||||
Crossbow, light | 500 | 1d8 P | 1 | 80 / 320 | Laden | Ja | ||||
Crossbow, heavy | 1000 | 1d10 P | 2 | 100 / 400 | Laden | Zwaar | Ja | |||
Pistool | 500 | 1d8 P | L | 30 / 120 | Laden | Licht | Ja | |||
Buks | 1000 | 1d10 P | 1 | 80 / 320 | Laden | Ja | Ja | |||
Scherpschutter | 1500 | 1d12 P | 2 | 150 / 600 | Laden | Zwaar | Ja | Ja | ||
Donderbus | 700 | 3d4 P | 1 | 20 / 40 | Laden (3) | Ja | Ja | |||
Net | 20 | - | 1 | 5 / 15 (T) | Special |
Algemene Eigenschappen
Kan gebruikt worden om te vechten met twee wapens.
Soort | Wapen | GMW |
Pijlen | Bogen, Donderbus | |
Kruisboogpijlen | Kruisbogen | |
Kogels | Geweren, Donderbus |
Eén portie gif kan worden gebruikt om een wapen of munitie in gif te dekken. Het gif blijft op het wapen actief voor 1 minuut. Wanneer men een wezen raakt met het wapen of de munitie, dan wordt het gewoonlijke effect van het gif toegepast. Echter, het niveau van de redingsworp dat het wezen moet maken, wordt gereduceerd met 4.
Speciale reacties
Wanneer een speler bekwaam is met een wapen, dan kan deze, afhankelijk van het wapen, een speciale reactie uitvoeren.
Wapens. Bow, Longbow, Crossbow, Dart, Sling, Blowpipe
Volley. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you may use your reaction to reduce the speed of that creature by 10 points, until the start of your next turn. A creatures speed cannot be reduced by more than 10 points in this manner.
Wapens. Musket
Aim. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you may use your reaction to give that creature disadvantage on its next attack role before the start of your turn.
Wapens. Pistol, Revolver
Quick draw. When you miss an attack with this weapon, you may use your reaction to deal damage to that creature equal to the ability modifier you use for that attack.
Wapens. Longsword, Shortsword, Rapier, Scimitar
Parry. When someone makes a melee attack against you, you may use you reaction to 1d6 to your armour class until the start of your next turn.
Wapens. Hammer, Light Hammer
Stun. When you hit with a melee attack, you may use your reaction to stun the creature until the start of its next turn. The creature make a constitution saving throw against 10 + your weapon attack modifier.
Wapens. Glaive, Halbert, Lance, Pike, Trident
Guard. When someone moves into your range, you may use your reaction to make an opportunity attack.
Wapens. Club, Dagger, Handaxe, Sickle
Retribution. When an opponent misses an attack directed towards you, you may use your reaction to make a counter attack. You cannot apply any other positive modifiers to this attack, except for you usual ability modifier.
Unarmed / Shield
Push. When you hit an unarmed attack, or an attack with any weapon while holding a shield, you can use your reaction to push the creature up to 10 feet away from you if it is no more than one size larger then you. This is a contested strength check.